The national workshop for the European soil mission took place

The Technology Centre Prague organized a workshop in cooperation with the NATI00NS project on 18 June 2024 with the aim of raising awareness of the European mission Soil deal for Europe.
The goal of the mission is to contribute to the recovery of soil in Europe so that by 2030, 75% of soils are in a good state of health, or significant progress has been made towards healthier soil.
To support the achievement of this goal, the Horizon Europe programme announces specific calls for the submission of projects in which a wide range of interested entities can participate. The deadline for the currently open call is October 8, 2024.
Among other things, the calls will support the establishment of so-called Living Labs, which represent networks of places for experimentation in a real environment. The call also includes support for so-called lighthouses, i.e. places intended for demonstrations of innovative solutions and research results that contribute to soil health.
The concept of living laboratories and lighthouses was presented by Professor Rafal Wawer from the Institute for Soil Sciences and Plant Production in Pulawy, Poland, for the NATI00NS project (financed by the Horizon Europe programme). Prof. Luboš Borůvka from the Czech University of Life Sciences devoted himself to long-term experiments in the area of soil or the Smart Landscape of the Centre for Water, Soil and Landscape at CZU. Dr. Martin Master from the Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Protection focused on demonstration farms in the Czech Republic. Naďa Koníčková presented the services that TC Prgue provides to potential applicants for European mission projects.
The workshop took place in a hybrid format. About 25 people watched the event online, and there were around 20 participants on site.