Development of the structure of the Czech Republic‘s participation in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes according to the legal forms of the participants: The representation of higher education institutions is growing
09/25/2023 Author: Vladimír Vojtěch

The post from May 17, 2023 dealt with the structure of the Czech participants of the Horizon Europe programme according to their legal form as of April 26, 2023. Let us now look at the development of the representation of participants’ legal forms from 2015 to 2022. The data source for this post is the eCORDA grant agreement and participant database as of August 22, 2022 (for the Horizon 2020 programme) and June 19, 2023 (for the Horizon Europe programme).
In terms of participation, the representation of higher education institutions grew in the observed period (from approx. 32 to 39%); the representation of research organizations remained stable (between 22 and 25%). On the contrary, the representation of private for-profit companies decreased (from 31 to 25%). In terms of project coordination, the representation of higher education institutions increased significantly in the 2015–2022 period – in 2021–2022, higher education institutions coordinated three fifths of all Czech projects in the Framework Programme.
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