Technologické centrum Praha

Research and Innovation for the Future of Europe

... the power of thoughts

Research and Innovation for the Future of Europe


Research and Innovation for the Future of Europe

The Italian Liaison Office for European Research (APRE) in Brussels has prepared a document "Manifesto" to support research and innovation in the discussions of the Conference on the Future of Europe (#CoFoE). More than 90 institutions have already added their signatures to the document, including the Czech signatories as the Czech Academy of Sciences, Masaryk University, the Czech Rectors' Conference and the Technology Centre of the CAS. Discussions in the CoFoE are currently focused on nine priority areas:

- Climate change and the environment
- Health
- A stronger economy, social justice and jobs
- The EU in the world
- Values ​​and rights, rule of law, security
- Digital transformation
- European democracy
- Migration
- Education, culture, youth and sport

The Italian initiative wishes to add another heading, research and innovation to the current priority themes.
The Conference on the Future of Europe, which started last spring and has now entered its decisive phase, has been presented
as a unique opportunity for European citizens to reflect and debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities.
At its next plenary session on 21 and 22 January 2022, the Conference will discuss citizens' recommendations on European democracy, values ​​and rights, the environment and health.

The Manifesto Research and Innovation for the Future of Europe is public on and can be still supported both as an organization and individually.