19th Czech Days for European Research - presentation and recording

19th Czech Days for European Research conference (CZEDER 2021), organized by the Technology Centre of the CAS in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, took place online on November 3, 2021.
The main topic of the conference was European partnerships and Missions in Horizon Europe as a way to solve major social challenges. The conference was opened by Pavel Doleček, Deputy Head of the Higher Education, Science and Research Section at the MEYS, keynote lectures were given by EC representatives Davide Valitutti, who focused on European partnerships, and Marta Tomaselli, who intruduced the Missions. The afternoon panel discussions were devoted to the experience of the Czech Republic's involvement in the current European partnerships.
The recording from the CZEDER 2021 conference can be viewed here.
Presentation from the event:
Davide Valitutti: European partnerships in the HE – preparation and implementation
Lucie Núňez Tayupanta: Participation of the Czech Republic in the European partnerships
Marta Tomaselli: EU Missions and their implementation
Daniel Frank: Brief evaluation of the Czech participation in the institutional partnerships of the programme H2020
Iveta Zápařková: TA CR in ERA NET COFUNDS & European Partnerships
Luděk Matyska: EOSC Partnerství