The Human Brain Project 2020 Open Day

On 3 February, the Human Brain Project (HBP) held its annual Open Day at Megaron International Conference Centre in Athens, Greece. The Open Day is the biggest annual outreach event of the HBP and presents the latest developments in neuroscience, computing, and related research infrastructures.
In 2013, the European Commission launched 10 years long FET Flagship project which have taken up the challenge to create computer simulation of human brain. The project should answer fundamental questions how does the brain process thoughts and memories, interpret our senses and what happens when it goes wrong?
According to HBP Scientific Director Katrin Amunts the project aims at building a scientific research infrastructure creating synergies between neuroscience, medicine and modern information technology. “EBRAINS is our approach to empower neuroscience to compute the brain,” said Amunts.
ESFRI Chair Jan Hrušák from the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences took part in the session on Research and Data Infrastructures where he talked about research infrastructures having the capability to address the critical interdisciplinary interactions needed to handle upcoming issues and implications e.g. in neuroscience research. Advocated the research infrastructures, data infrastructures, other e/infrastructures and related serviced being part of the larger eco-system, in which research is embedded and can flourish.
For more information about the whole event visit the website of the Large Research Infratructures here.
(The activity of the ESFRI Chair Jan Hrusak and activity of his secretariat is covered by the project CZERA 3, which activity has been in fully within the competence of National Information Centre for European Research of the Technology centre CAS.)