Technologické centrum Praha

17th Czech Days for European Research - CZEDER 2019

... the power of thoughts

17th Czech Days for European Research - CZEDER 2019


17th Czech Days for European Research - CZEDER 2019

Technology Centre CAS has prepared a brief analysis of publication outputs from the Horizon 2020 programme as part of the Report on the Czech Republic's Participation in the H2020 Programme in the period of January 2014 – May 2019, published in Czech language with English conclusion in ECHO journal – 3–4 / 2019 

Some of the results of analysis of publication outputs were presented in the form of a poster in English during the conference 17th CZECH DAYS FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH CZEDER 2019.

The poster is available here.

English presentations from the CZEDER conference are available from the Czech web site text here.