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Fair access to resources: Looking to 2030 and beyond

... the power of thoughts

Fair access to resources: Looking to 2030 and beyond

Fair access to resources: Looking to 2030 and beyond
When: 09/26/2023 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Where: Carolinum of Charles University


As we are only in the third year of Horizon Europe, it is too early to draw any significant conclusions about its performance. However, several analyses already point to some things that the European Commission could do to improve the programme in the second half of its existence. The ongoing discussions on the contributions received by the Commission ahead of the mid-term review are also a good indicator of the changes that will come after 2027, when the 10th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation will be launched.

"How can we find the right balance to share the benefits and responsibilities? How can we better understand each other in the region and within the EU as a whole? How can we enjoy future success while managing our expectations instead of being frustrated that we couldn't achieve an "impossible mission"? How can we define, measure, communicate, and celebrate success?" These are all questions that will be asked on 26 September at the Carolinum of Charles University at the conference Fair access to resources: Looking to 2030 and beyond, organized by Science|Business in cooperation with UK. Senior R&D executives in the public and private sectors from Brussels and across the EU will gather for discussion. Analyst Vladimír Vojtěch will also have his own contribution at the conference.

A detailed description of the conference together with the program and registration can be found on the Science|Business websites.